Monday, May 31, 2010


No, not really D-Day. But sort of.

66 years ago, many of our grandparents crossed the Atlantic Ocean in gigantic transport ships, ran directly at large machine guns firing back at them, and then tramped across Europe for a year, sleeping in the mud and the cold until finally liberating our Old World neighbors from the Nazis.

Later today, I'll fly across the ocean in a jet liner, probably with a wide selection of on-demand movies and tv shows, and will spend the next month tramping across Europe with some of my best friends from college. It might not sound too bad, but if you've ever seen Hostel or Alive you know this is potentially more dangerous than what our grandpas went through.

So stay tuned. In all likelihood, we won't fight Nazis, elude serial killers, or eat each other. But we might, and if we do you might find this blog worth reading.

(Thanks to The Good's Place for the photograph)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Where Do We Go From Here

Yesterday, I graduated Boston College and left behind the place where I spent the happiest, most formative, and most challenging years of my life, along with the people who became my family.

In August, I'll start a year of service in Boston, before I likely move onto to graduate school for journalism.

In the meantime, I'll be traveling and writing, trying to see and understand as much of the world outside my university gates as possible before I try to fully tackle it.

Got ideas for places to visit, things to eat, activities to do? Criticisms to offer? I'd love to hear them.